We are Leading Manufacturer and supplier of wide range of Sewage Treatment Plant, Effluent Treatment Plant and Recycling Plant that is appreciated by the clients for high quality standards. We have established a prefabricated sewage & waste water treatment plant both aerobic & anaerobic process with SBR, MBBR, FAB technology. The main advantages are compact, odourless, low power, easy maintenance, quick installation, less civil work involved, reduced operational noise, flexible in reworking and negligible sludge generation.
Salient Features of Package Type Plants:-
- Simplicity in construction and operation.
- The space requirement is comparatively less than any other conventional treatment.
- The plant as constructed / fabricated will be fully automatic in nature will result in
easy operation ensuring high efficiency and minimum manpower requirement.
- No odour generation
- Inside and outer protection: epoxy paint
- Aeration system composed by a blower, an air supply pipe, fine bubble diffusers and an air relief valve
- Automatic sludge recirculation system
- Packaged and transportable plant
- Suitable for remote locations
- Permanent and mobile installation
- Designed to the required capacity